The PhoneBoy Blog

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Don’t Fsck With Bloggers

BlognationSam Sethi picked the wrong blogger to lie to–repeatedly. That blogger was Oliver Starr. Apparently, he hasn’t been paid since Blognation was started. Repeated promises of payment and funding were made, but nothing came of it.

Reading the comments on the TechCrunch story about this, you see a couple of the other Blognation editors in other countries “towing the party line” and essentially saying “we’re still writing.” You also have some back and forth comments between Sam Sethi and Oliver Starr.

Startups are hard, but if what Oliver Starr is saying is correct, he has a contract. You pay your contracts or else you suffer through the court of law–and the court of public opinion in the blogosphere. And that’s one thing us bloggers can do, it’s blog our experiences and participate and shape the conversation. ;)

I’d love to hear fellow Blognation blogger Marc Orchant’s take on all this. Heck, I’d like to hear *anything *from Marc. He’s still unconscious according to the last update from Oliver. Bad things come in pairs, I guess.

#Cybersecurity Evangelist, Podcaster, #noagenda Producer, Frequenter of shiny metal tubes, Expressor of personal opinions, and of course, a coffee achiever.