The PhoneBoy Blog

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Photo Safe II: Offload Your Camera Pics On The Go

If you’re taking an extended vacation, and you take metric tons of pictures, how do you get the photos off your camera so you can take more? Do you take a laptop, multiple memory cards, or just delete photos?

Enter the Photo Safe II from Digital Foci. It’s got a hard drive and an all-in-one card reader. Plug your media in, push a button, and within a couple of minutes, you’re all backed up.

This battery-powered device comes in two models, an 80GB and a 160GB model. Both will take CF Type I (including Extreme III, IV, UDMA), MMC, SD/HC, miniSD, MS, MS PRO, MS Duo, MS PRO Duo, and xD cards and will take the data off those cards at speeds of up to 5mb per second. Both models will also allow you to get the data off the drive with a USB 2.0 connection to a computer.

Via The Red Ferret Journal

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#Cybersecurity Evangelist, Podcaster, #noagenda Producer, Frequenter of shiny metal tubes, Expressor of personal opinions, and of course, a coffee achiever.