RedMere HDMI Cables: Small Cable, Big Picture
I don’t normally write about something as mundane as HDMI cables. They’re all the same, right?
RedMere Technolgies makes an active-cable technology that various video cable manufacturers can incorporate into their cables to make them smaller, lighter, and more flexible, yet provide excellent video quality. While that’s certainly nice even for your typical HDTV components, where the thinner cables are really desirable is for portable devices such as mobile phones.
RedMere’s PR agency sent me a couple of cables for my Nokia E7 to review (they didn’t know if I needed an HDMI-C Mini or HDMI-D Micro cable, turned out it needs an HDMI-C). They were RedMere-branded cables, but RedMere themselves doesn’t make cables for sale. These are representative samples of cables you can find for sale from various manufacturers and retailers.
I hooked up my Nokia E7 to my HDTV using both the RedMere-supplied cable as well as a regular HDMI cable connected to my Nokia-supplied adapter. I could not tell the difference between the two cables in terms of video quality, but there’s a clear difference between the thickness and weight of the cables. The RedMere cable clearly wins in terms of portability, being lighter and thinner than even my Micro USB cables I couldn’t imagine putting a regular HDMI cable in my travel bag due to its thickness and size.<p align=”center>
There are a number of manufacturers that make cables with RedMere technology inside. If you’re looking for a smaller, thinner HDMI cable, you can’t go wrong with one of these cables.