FireWall-1 FAQ: Miscellaneous Documents
Please note: This content was from when I was operating my FireWall-1 FAQ site, which I stopped operating in August 2005. For some reason people still have links to this stuff on the Internet that people are still clicking on.
I am making this information available again AS IS. Given how old this information is, it is likely wildly inaccurate. I have no plans to update this information.
If you're still running versions of Check Point VPN-1/FireWall-1 where this information is still relevant to you, do yourself a favor and upgrade to a more recent release. If you happen to be running a current release and the information is useful, it's by happenstance :)
Here are some documents about FireWall-1 that I have locally that are useful.
They’re not quite FAQs, but they are related to FireWall-1 and may be useful
for many of you. Note that these documents do contain graphics and may not be suitable for viewing outside of a graphical browser, which is why I’ve made them available separately.
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- Junaid Syed wrote a document on How to Configure a Gauntlet Firewall 5.5 to VPN with FireWall-1 4.1 as well as a document on How to Configure PGPNet 7.0 and FireWall-1 to use an Entrust CA
- Andrew Caird & Kip Cranford wrote a doc on setting up a VPN with a Gauntlet Firewall.
- Trevor Paquette wrote up a nice how-to on Network Address Translation
- Trevor Paquette wrote up a nice how-to on PPTP thru FireWall-1
- I wrote a document on the new features of FireWall-1 4.0
- I also reviewed the NexLand Pro800turbo and WaveBase Internet Sharing Boxes.
- Karim Ismail wrote a doc on How to set up the SMTP Security Server.
- Karim Ismailwrote a doc entitled Disaster Recovery for Single or Split Firewalls.
- Karim Ismailwrote a doc entitled Configuring State Sync with FireWall-1.
- Will Jones (a.k.a. SysAdm) wrote a doc on How to Set Up SecurID with SecuRemote for FireWall-1 4.0
- Reto De Luca wrote a doc on How to use the SMTP Security Server as a Mail Relay
- Andy Kendall wrote a doc on Setting up a Redundant Management Console on Windows NT
- Eric White wrote a doc entitled "Configuring Secure Client and Secure Server to access non-routable internal networks from an external client behind NAT using SecurID"
- Mike Glassman wrote a doc on Configuring NDS to work with FireWall-1. A separate ZIP file includes the original Word doc plus other referenced files.
- Bill Olson wrote a Check Point Certification Study Guide.
- Andy Harcup provided me a doc that explains How UDP Encapsulation Works.
- Axel Hoffman provided a sample configuration for a Cisco 1720 for a site-to-site VPN with FireWall-1.
- Inti Shah provided a sample configuration between a PIX and FireWall-1.
- Martin Friess and Enno Rey have come up with a step-by-step document explaining How to use OpenSSL certificates with FireWall-1 and Secure Client.
- FireWall-1 Problem Report Template (for use when opening trouble tickets with your support provider)