The PhoneBoy Blog

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Adesso Wireless Keyboard WKB-4000UB

Several months ago, I reviewed a wireless keyboard from Adesso that, quite frankly, didn’t float my boat. This new one I received not too long ago for review, the WKB-4000UB, is a much nicer, more compact keyboard that I like far better.

The keyboard is comparable to a typical laptop keyboard. It’s about as thin as a laptop. Pictures below compare the WKB-4000UB with my old IBM Thinkpad T23.

One thing I like about this keyboard is the dongle: it’s relatively small and even clips onto the bottom of the keyboard when it is not in use. The keyboard communicates with the dongle over 2.4 Ghz, which is rather crowded spectrum given that it is also used by WiFi and Bluetooth. However, it seems to not cause any interference, which is a good thing.

The trackpad also contains a scroll area along the right where you can scroll up or down the current window similar to how the scroll wheel on a mouse. You can also tap the trackpad and it will act like a left mouse click.

Retail price is $109.99, but you can find it cheaper. A Google search turned up the WKB-4000UB at J&R for $74.88.

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#Cybersecurity Evangelist, Podcaster, #noagenda Producer, Frequenter of shiny metal tubes, Expressor of personal opinions, and of course, a coffee achiever.