PhoneBoy Speaks

Mobile Technology, Social Media, Geek Culture, Information Security, General Tech Douchebaggery, and Health

Ep 1329: Sugars, Grains, Seed Oils, and the Maasai Tribe in Tanzania

I’m pretty convinced that sugar, grain, and seed oils is the trifecta behind the vast majority of health issues we’re experiencing in the modern world, and sadly, no corner of the world is left untouched. Even the Massai tribe in Tanzania, one of the few hunter/gather tribes left on the earth, is being impacted by these modern foods…with less than ideal results.

Excerpt taken from Peak Human Ep 116.

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Ep 1329: Sugars, Grains, Seed Oils, and the Maasai Tribe in Tanzania

#Cybersecurity Evangelist, Podcaster, #noagenda Producer, Frequenter of shiny metal tubes, Expressor of personal opinions, and of course, a coffee achiever.