PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 805: Net Neutrality: We Just Don't Know Yet
A lot of people cheered for what they thought the FCC decided about how to regulate Internet providers in the United States. The reality is, we haven’t seen the actual guidelines as of now, so why are many happy when, in reality, we don’t know exactly what’s been decided.
[FCC Preempts Laws Restricting Community Broadband in NC/TN]( - Hearing Witnesses Warn FCC Net Neutrality Initiative Doomed to Failure
- Thoughts on Today’s Vote
- T-Mobile, CTIA urge FCC to preserve zero-rating, give carriers flexibility under net neutrality - FierceWireless
- Net neutrality advocates identify holes in FCC’s net neutrality plan
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PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 805: Net Neutrality: We Just Don't Know Yet